
USACO Real Coding Challengs


This course contains real USACO Coding questions and solutions


  • 28 Sections
  • 222 Lessons
  • 0m Duration
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Get Started
11 Lessons
  1. Materials web sites
  2. Programming Contest Problem Types
  3. How to submit solutions
  4. Your Ride Is Here
  5. Analysis: Your Ride Is Here
  6. Task 'gift1': Greedy Gift Givers
  7. Analysis: Greedy Gift Givers
  8. Friday the Thirteenth
  9. Analysis: Friday the Thirteenth
  10. Broken Necklace
  11. Analysis: Broken Necklace
Complete Search
11 Lessons
  1. Introduction
  2. Milking Cows
  3. Analysis: Milking Cows
  4. Transformations
  5. Analysis: Transformations
  6. Name That Number
  7. Analysis: Name That Number
  8. Palindromic Squares
  9. Analysis: Palindromic Squares
  10. Dual Palindromes
  11. Analysis: Dual Palindromes
Greedy Algorithm
5 Lessons
  1. Introduction
  2. Mixing Milk
  3. Analysis: Mixing Milk
  4. Barn Repair
  5. Analysis: Barn Repari
Crafting Winning Solutions
9 Lessons
  1. Introduction
  2. Prime Cryptarithm
  3. Analysis: Prime Cryptarithm
  4. Combination Lock
  5. Analysis: Combination Lock
  6. Wormholes
  7. Analysis: Wormholes
  8. Ski Course Design
  9. Analysis: Ski Course Design
More Search Techniques
5 Lessons
  1. introduction
  2. Arithmetic Progressions
  3. Analysis: Arithmetic Progressions
  4. Mother's Milk
  5. Analysis: Mother's Milk
Binary Numbers
7 Lessons
  1. Introduction
  2. Number Triangles
  3. Analysis: Number Triangles
  4. Prime Palindromes
  5. Analysis: Prime Palindromes
  6. Superprime Rib
  7. Analysis: Super Prime Rib
Section2 Bigger Challenges
12 Lessons
  1. Graph Theory
  2. Flood Fill
  3. The Castle
  4. Analysis: Castle
  5. Ordered Fractions
  6. Analysis: Ordered Fractions
  7. Sorting a Three-Valued Sequence
  8. Analysis: Sorting A Three-Valued Sequence
  9. Healthy Holsteins
  10. Analysis: Health Holsteins
  11. Hamming Codes
  12. Analysis: Hamming Codes
Data Structures And Dynamic Programming
10 Lessons
  1. Data Structures
  2. Dynamic Programming
  3. Preface Numbering
  4. Analysis: Preface numbering
  5. Subset Sums
  6. analysis: Subset Sums
  7. Runaround Numbers
  8. Analysis: Runaround Numbers
  9. Party Lamps
  10. Analysis: Party Lamps
2.3 more problems
10 Lessons
  1. Longest Prefix
  2. Analysis: Prefix
  3. Cow Pedigrees
  4. Analysis: Cow Pedigrees
  5. Zero Sum
  6. Analysis: Zero Sum
  7. Money Systems
  8. Analysis: Money Systems
  9. Controlling Companies
  10. Analysis: Controlling Companies
2.4 Shortest Paths
12 Lessons
  1. Shortest Paths
  2. The Tamworth Two
  3. Analysis: The Tamworth Two
  4. Overfencing
  5. Analysis: Overfencing
  6. Cow Tours
  7. Floyd-Warshall algorithm
  8. Analysis: Cow Tours
  9. Bessie Come Home
  10. Analysis: Bessie Come Home
  11. Fractions to Decimals
  12. Analysis: Fractions to Decimals
Minimum Spanning Tree
11 Lessons
  1. Minimum Spanning Tree
  2. Agri-Net
  3. Analysis: Agri-Net
  4. Score Inflation
  5. Analysis: Score Inflation (dp)
  6. Humble Numbers
  7. Analysis: Humble Numbers
  8. Contact
  9. Analysis: Contact
  10. Stamps
  11. Analysis: Stamps
3.2 Knapsack Problems
13 Lessons
  1. Knapsack Problems
  2. Factorials
  3. Analysis: Factorials
  4. Stringsobits
  5. Analysis: Stringsobits
  6. Spinning Wheels
  7. Analysis: Your Ride Is Here
  8. Feed Ratios
  9. Analysis: Feed Ratios
  10. Magic Squares
  11. Analysis: Magic Squares
  12. Sweet Butter
  13. Analysis: Sweet Butter
3.3 Eulerian Tour
11 Lessons
  1. Eulerian Tour
  2. Riding the Fences
  3. Analysis: Riding the Fences
  4. Shopping Offers
  5. Analysis:Shopping Offers
  6. Camelot
  7. Analysis: camelot
  8. Home on the Range
  9. Analysis: Home on the Range
  10. A Game
  11. Analysis:A Game
Computational Geometry
7 Lessons
  1. Introduction of Computational Geometry
  2. American Heritage
  3. Analysis: American Heritage
  4. Electric Fence
  5. Analysis: Electric Fence
  6. Raucous Rockers
  7. Analysis: Your Ride Is Here
Text Optimization
5 Lessons
  1. Optimization
  2. Beef McNuggets
  3. Analysis: Beef McNuggets
  4. Fence Loops
  5. Analysis: Fence Loops
chatp 4.3 Network Flow Algorithms
7 Lessons
  1. Network Flow Algorithms
  2. Drainage Ditches
  3. Analysis: Drainage Ditches
  4. The Perfect Stall
  5. Analysis: The Perfect Stall
  6. Job Processing
  7. Analysis: Job Processing
Big Numbers
7 Lessons
  1. Big Numbers
  2. Buy Low, Buy Lower
  3. Analysis: Buy Low, Buy Lower
  4. Street Race
  5. Analysis: Street Race
  6. Letter Game
  7. Analysis: Letter Game
chap 4.4
6 Lessons
  1. Shuttle Puzzle
  2. Analysis: Shuttle Puzzle
  3. Pollutant Control
  4. Analysis: Pollutant Control
  5. Frame Up
  6. Analysis: Frame Up
chap 5.1 2-D Convex Hull
8 Lessons
  1. 2-D Convex Hull
  2. Andrew's Monotone Chain Algorithm
  3. Fencing the Cows
  4. Analysis: Fencing the Cows
  5. Starry Night
  6. Analysis: Starry Night
  7. Musical Themes
  8. Analysis: Musical Themes
chap 5.2
2 Lessons
  1. Snail Trails
  2. Analysis: Snail Trail
chap 5.3 Heuristic Search
9 Lessons
  1. Heuristic Search
  2. Milk Measuring
  3. Analysis: Milk Measuring
  4. Window Area
  5. Analysis: Window Area
  6. Network of Schools
  7. Analysis: Network of Schools
  8. Big Barn
  9. Analysis: Big Barn
chap 5.4
6 Lessons
  1. Canada Tour
  2. Analysis: Canada Tour
  3. Character Recognition
  4. Analysis: Character Recognition
  5. Telecowmunication
  6. Analysis: Telecowmunications
chap 5.5
6 Lessons
  1. Picture
  2. Analysis: Picture
  3. Hidden Password
  4. Analysis: Hidden Password
  5. Twofive
  6. Analysis: Two Five
chap 6.1
6 Lessons
  1. Postal Vans
  2. Analysis: Postal Vans
  3. A Rectangular Barn
  4. Analysis: A Rectangular Barn
  5. Cow XOR
  6. Analysis: Your Ride Is Here
chap 6.2
6 Lessons
  1. Calf Flac
  2. Analysis: Calf Flac
  3. Packing Rectangles
  4. Analysis: Packing Rectangles
  5. Shaping Regions
  6. Analysis: Shaping Regions
chap 6.3
4 Lessons
  1. Fence Rails
  2. Analysis: Fence Rails
  3. Cryptcowgraphy
  4. Analysis: Cryptcowgraphy
chap 6.4
6 Lessons
  1. The Primes
  2. Analysis: The Primes
  3. Electric Fences
  4. Analysis: Electric Fences
  5. Wisconsin Squares
  6. Analysis: Wisconsin Squares
chap 6.5
10 Lessons
  1. All Latin Squares
  2. Analysis: All Latin Squares
  3. Closed Fences
  4. Analysis: closed fences
  5. Betsy's Tour
  6. Analysis: Betsy's Tour
  7. The Clocks
  8. Analysis: The Clocks
  9. Checker Challenge
  10. Analysis: Checker Challenge
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